Thursday, June 23, 2011

Woman claims man pointed gun at her and her young son

A Jackson, Mississippi woman claims a man pointed a gun at her and her 9-year-old son during a road rage incident. She said the man was honking his horn at her then as he passed her he rolled down the window and pointed a gun at her. She followed him to a pawn shop and called police, who investigated and let the man go.
The man told reporters that it was his finger, not a gun, that he pointed at the woman after she cut him off in traffic. He admitted that he did indeed have a loaded gun in the car at the time, a .38 special. He added that he has a concealed weapons permit for the gun and keeps it for protection.
Police said that at most it was a misdemeanor crime. Under Mississippi law pointing a loaded gun at someone is not a crime unless a police officer witnesses it. "That is called a 'pointing and aiming' and it is classified as a misdemeanor crime," said the assistant police chief.
The woman has signed an affidavit and filed charges and a judge will now have to sort things out.

1 comment:

  1. You (the CSGV) claim this site shows "concealed handgun permit holders in action." yet you provide no evidence this man had a license to carry. Is there a reason the dishonesty is necessary? Are you banking on the fact the Laddites will take everything you post at face value and not look for the facts?
